Something Old, Something New

Life has taken a delightful side-step with the birth of our daughter, Olivia Joy, back in the beginning of January. So, here I sit, small babe at my side, realizing I haven't touched this blog in months! Whoops ;-) I thought I would take this opportunity to share some exciting news! I have a new project in the works while Lightning (Thunder's sequel) takes a bit of a nap.

I'm compiling a memoir for our son, Clinton, who died as an infant about eight years ago. While that may sound like a devastating project, it is most decidedly not. Clinton's life and our experiences with him were so full of love, that it is a joy to travel back in time and see him clearly again.

I want to share the book blurb with you, for something to chew on while you wait for the published piece! I still am a little ways out with writing, edits, and all that comes along with publishing a book while being the mom to five busy young lives. But it's coming, and the old journal I kept for Clinton during his journey on earth will find new life, and continue on through you! Loves and blessings to you all.

"Suppose you have a teacher who knows the secret of life. A teacher who can show you what it takes to live to the fullest, to love until your heart bleeds out—to have it all, and then to let it all go. Now, suppose your teacher is only five weeks old.

When the Sullivans are told their unborn child has a congenital heart defect, they have no idea where the news will lead them. Their dreams of bedtime cuddles and soft baby coos give way to the incessant beeping of hospital machinery and the sharp smell of antiseptic. With two young children in tow, the uprooted family takes an unexpected journey discovering the truth of love, sorrow, and ultimately, the gift of life.

This true story—comprised of journal entries, letters, and emails—is the legacy of one small boy’s lifetime."